City Planning Towards Sustainable Future

Urban Planning Principles

Urban planning involves taking a broad look at how all the parts of your city work together. It takes into consideration everything from identifying your community’s vision to implementing tools (like zoning codes) to ensure that vision comes to fruition.

The metropolis has a necessary and fragile relationship with its agrarian hinterland and natural landscapes. Development patterns should respect this relationship.

1. Form Follows Function

This urban planning concept emphasizes the importance of designing buildings to be efficient and practical. Architects should maximize space and use sustainable materials. They should also consider how the building will integrate with the surrounding landscape. Ultimately, this helps to create buildings that are both beautiful and functional.

This principle emerged in the late 19th century and was popularized by the American architect Louis Sullivan. Sullivan believed that the form of a building should be based on its function rather than on historical precedent. Frank Lloyd Wright, who was a student of Sullivan, later adopted the concept and used it to design the Guggenheim Museum.

Planners must also take into consideration the needs of people living and working in a city. For example, they must provide access to transportation and other amenities, such as water and electricity, while ensuring that public spaces are aesthetically pleasing. They must also ensure that the city can handle its population growth without sacrificing environmental sustainability.

2. The Social System Should Be More Important Than Vehicular Systems

Urban planning principles focus on a variety of city-life elements such as new and pre-existing land, buildings, public spaces, roads, and transport systems. But the key element that urban planners should be focusing on is community-based solutions for a sustainable future.

This means that infrastructural development should be geared towards providing a wide range of communal outlets and social activities to the residents. This will also help in ensuring that there is no division in terms of gender, race, or physical abilities.

For instance, promoting the use of public transit will decrease the dependency on vehicles and thus result in a reduction in congestion, air pollution, and overall environmental degradation. Similarly, play streets—temporary closures of streets for active play—offer youth and adults the opportunity to connect with neighbors while prioritizing pedestrian safety and community well-being.

Incorporating progressive elements of cultural heritage will make the city stand out from other cities, enhancing its aesthetic sense. In addition to this, urban planning should also rely on outdoor setups that provide the citizens with a natural outlet to relieve themselves of their hectic day-to-day routines.

3. People-Centric Design

Urban planning principles should always keep the plight of people as the core focus. The various urban planning elements like new and pre-existing land, buildings, roads, communal spaces, transportation, economic development and infrastructure should all be integrated with a common goal that aims at making cities look futuristic and accessible for its inhabitants.

Legibility and laying of streets should be clear and understandable, with a layered design that enables people to move around the city in a way that feels intuitive, unobtrusive and efficient. This means that out-of-hours servicing, deliveries and traffic should be kept away from the city centre and central district, while balancing operational needs with allowing residents to access their homes without disrupting public life or creating a ‘one street back’ experience.

Open space is also a key component in an urban environment. It allows citizens to reconnect with nature and provides opportunities for leisure, relaxation and play. Moreover, it enhances the visual appeal of an urban area by ensuring that there are ample natural outlets for energy and tension.

4. Adaptive Reuse

Urban planners can save energy and money by reusing existing structures instead of tearing them down and starting from scratch. This strategy also helps to reduce waste and environmental impact.

Adaptive reuse has become a common practice in many cities, with firms like MVRDV or EFFEKT using it to transform historic neighborhoods into loft and condos. However, there are some challenges that come along with adaptive reuse projects. For one, old buildings may not have the best operational energy use efficiency.

Another challenge is bringing the building up to code and making sure it’s safe for the new occupants. Fortunately, these challenges can be overcome with the help of experts in adaptive reuse. With the right knowledge and experience, you can create an effective project that serves a community while preserving the heritage of an existing building. This can be achieved through a collaborative process with the local governing body. This way, the repurposed building will meet the city’s sustainability goals and serve its residents well for years to come.

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MLB중계: Connecting Korean Fans to the Thrills of Major League Baseball

Major League Baseball (MLB), America’s beloved pastime, has a global audience, transcending borders and languages. Fans scattered worldwide, including the passionate sports community in Korea, can’t seem to get enough of the high-stakes action that unfolds on the diamond. The thrill of the game is undeniable, whether it’s the crack of the bat as it meets the ball for a home run or the split-second decisions made on the bases. That’s where comes into play, ensuring Korean fans aren’t left out of the loop.

The beauty of baseball lies in its complexity; it’s a mix of individual prowess and team strategy. Each player, a world of talent unto themselves, must seamlessly integrate into the plans laid out by managers. This sport isn’t just a test of physical ability—it’s a mental game, challenging players to outthink their opponents. Consider the pitcher, whose arsenal of throws can bamboozle even the best hitters. Or the batter, whose eye for the ball must be razor-sharp, analyzing each pitch’s potential in milliseconds.

Watching an MLB game is a treat for the senses. The vibrant green of the field, the sharp uniforms, and the ambiance created by the crowd’s cheers create an atmosphere of pure excitement. For Korean fans, accessing MLB중계 broadcasts is like having a front-row seat to this spectacle, providing live streams and commentary tailored to their language and culture. This not only brings the game closer to home but also fosters a deeper understanding and appreciation of the nuances involved.

Understanding the rules and strategies can sometimes be a barrier to truly enjoying MLB. Yet, with the right commentary and analysis, even the most intricate parts of the game become accessible. From knowing when a sacrifice bunt is the right play, to understanding the strategy behind pitch selection, MLB중계 bridges the knowledge gap, allowing fans to not just watch, but deeply engage with the game. Sharing this love for baseball, the broadcasters dissect every play, making the complex understandable and the distant intimate.

The connection between Korean fans and players like Ryu Hyun-jin, who have made their mark in the MLB, is palpable. Every strikeout, every hit, resonates across the Pacific, forging an invisible link that binds fans to their heroes. Witnessing their compatriots compete at the highest levels, Korean audiences are not just spectators; they’re part of a larger narrative, one that speaks to the possibilities and dreams of athletes worldwide.

As the game progresses, the tension builds. The score may be tied, with the final innings looming. Each player knows these moments define legacies. Fans, too, feel this pressure—a collective holding of breath as the fate of the game teeters on the edge. This emotional rollercoaster is the essence of sports, and MLB중계 is the conduit for this drama, delivering not just the visuals but the pulse of the game straight to your screen.

In conclusion, MLB중계 offers more than just a broadcast. It’s a lifeline to Korean fans, an invitation to partake in the pageantry and passion of Major League Baseball. It’s a community, a shared space where every pitch and hit is a topic for discussion, analysis, and celebration.


1. What is MLB중계?
MLB중계 refers to the live broadcasting of Major League Baseball games, particularly with Korean commentary and presentation suitable for the Korean audience.

2. Can Korean fans watch MLB games live through MLB중계?
Yes, MLB중계 provides Korean fans with live access to MLB games, including real-time commentary in Korean.

3. Why is MLB중계 important for Korean baseball fans?
MLB중계 is vital as it allows Korean fans to stay connected with the sport, enjoy live games in their language, and understand the game’s intricacies through tailored commentary and analysis.

4. Is it possible to access MLB중계 online?
Yes, MLB중계 is available online, enabling fans to stream MLB games live via various platforms that cater to the Korean audience.

5. How does MLB중계 enhance the viewing experience?
MLB중계 enhances the viewing experience by providing game broadcasts in Korean, with cultural relevance and expert analysis that makes the sport more accessible and enjoyable for Korean audiences.

Preserving Nature and Improving City Life

Urban Landscape Planning

Urban landscape planning involves preserving the natural ecosystem while improving city life. It includes creating walking paths and green spaces for residents to enjoy.

Studies show that spending time in nature can lower stress levels, increase energy and improve heart health. It can also help reduce a city’s carbon footprint.

Formal Planning

Urban landscape planning involves defining and creating landscaping spaces, which can include the overall layout of trees, shrubs and soil. This can also include the layout of retaining walls, fences and walkways. It is important to consider zoning restrictions and the ability of a project site to accommodate tools, labor and materials.

Conducting a site survey is the first step in urban landscape planning. This involves visiting the designated location and assessing important information, such as topography, zoning restrictions and regulations at local, county and state levels.

Today, urban landscapes combine various elements and techniques to create outdoor spaces that are aesthetically pleasing. These spaces are designed to help individuals spend more time in nature, which decreases stress and promotes a healthier lifestyle. In addition, they preserve the value of natural resources and ecological systems.

Site Surveys

Site surveys are vital to urban landscape planning. They assess important data for the project location, preventing mishaps and ensuring that resources are used efficiently. A surveyor visits the designated landscaping area and collects information about the land, including zoning restrictions and requirements at the local, county, and state levels.

A topographic land survey shows contour information and physical details, allowing for detailed landscape designs and engineering design. This advanced form of survey also includes staking services, which involves placing survey monuments at property corners and lines to determine the exact boundaries and dimensions of the land.

A topographical survey can also provide useful data about the existing environmental conditions, such as the type of soil and climate. This allows designers to choose plants that will thrive in those conditions.

Design Blueprints

Urban landscape design goes beyond aesthetics to improve the city’s operation. This includes addressing the natural ecosystem, existing infrastructure and living preferences of its inhabitants. Plants, trees and other landscaping elements boost morale, increase the ability to absorb rainwater and reduce soil erosion. Strategically placed shade structures and plants provide much-needed relief from the sun at bus stops, playgrounds and park benches.

A basic plan helps designers discover any problems, while concept plans help visualize placement and topography [source: UM]. These blueprints also note utility locations and architectural layouts of structures on-site.

Cities with easy access to schools, hospitals and government buildings are more attractive and easier for residents to navigate. These locations also promote a strong sense of community that can lower crime rates and lead to better health outcomes.

Legal Approval

Urban landscape planning takes a space that may be large or small and improves it for humans, our animal counterparts, and its environment. The process involves bringing together the talents of architects, surveyors, landscape designers and horticulturists to create an area that not only adds beauty but also solves a problem or improves functionality.

Any development or redevelopment project that disturbs 5,000 square feet or more of site area and requires SPRC and/or building permit approval must submit a complete landscape plan. The City of Galt Landscape Design Guidelines provide a framework for all landscape plans. For projects that cannot satisfy the requirements of the Landscape Manual, a fee-in-lieu can be provided as alternative compliance. The City will review the fee-in-lieu request as part of the landscape plan submission and review process.


In addition to aesthetically improving urban areas, landscapers can use plants to cut pollution and make the city more appealing. Research shows that trees can cut particulate pollution by 7 to 24 percent. This helps reduce the negative effects of climate change.

Besides preserving natural ecosystems, urban landscapers also consider the daily lives of city dwellers. For example, libraries often have plant beds and post offices may feature outdoor benches.

Before a project begins, it’s important to review the zoning laws, element restrictions and other details that can impact the urban landscape design. These limitations may determine what types of flowers, grasses or shrubbery can be added to rooftop gardens and even whether or not a water feature is suitable for the space. They also dictate what type of trees and shade structures can be planted near buses, playgrounds or parks.

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Multidisciplinary Degrees and Certificates in Urban Planning

Master of Urban Planning

Urban planning is a multidisciplinary field that draws from civil engineering, architecture, geography, politics and sociology. Practitioners are concerned with research and analysis, engineering design, public consultation and policy recommendations.

They also address issues related to sustainable development such as predicting population growth, zoning, geographic mapping and analysing park space. They can also develop a sense of inclusion and opportunity for people with different cultures and needs.

Bachelor of Urban Planning

The Bachelor of Urban Planning (also known as a Master of City Planning, Master of Town Planning, or Master of Environmental Planning) is a two-year academic/professional degree that qualifies graduates to work in the field of urban planning. This degree program is often offered by graduate schools in addition to a university’s primary degrees.

This degree is focused on learning how to create sustainable cities and towns. Urban planners identify issues and come up with ideas that take into account the economy, laws, policies, and demographics of the area. They are responsible for developing new building zones and finding ways to use existing ones, as well as implementing government plans and projects.

Many programs also require students to have practical experience, such as through internships, practicums, studios, UROPs, and summer jobs. The University of Cincinnati’s program requires students to complete five semesters of co-op. This is a valuable opportunity to gain the skills required for successful careers in this field.

Master of Urban Planning

Urban planning is a practice that involves the study of cities and towns and their relationship to their natural environment. Students who pursue a Master of Urban Planning degree usually have backgrounds in fields like architecture, civil engineering, education, environmental science, geography, law and public service.

The two-year program focuses on real-world issues like housing, transportation and environmental protection. In addition to gaining practical skills, students also develop a more critical understanding of the social, economic and cultural forces that shape urban environments.

In the graduate program, students learn to analyze and plan communities at multiple scales, from neighborhood and block to city and region. They also acquire a deeper understanding of the economics of urban development and real estate, and gain hands-on experience with data visualization and mapping. MURP students learn to build partnerships across disciplines and sectors, and work with community residents and stakeholders. This helps them address complex problems that require multifaceted solutions.

Minor in Urban and Regional Planning

Whether you work in environmental or community planning and development, this degree gives you the skills to shape visions and responsibly guide change in rural and urban areas. You’ll gain a solid foundation with hands-on experiences including civic engagement, internships and more.

This minor is available to students in any undergraduate major in CLAS who are interested in learning about cities and planning processes. The minor can complement an existing major and help prepare students for graduate studies in planning.

The interdisciplinary nature of community and regional planning makes it important that students have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and experience in this discipline outside their major field. As a result, the minor in community and regional planning is open to undergraduate students in a wide range of disciplines, including architecture, landscape architecture, economics, sociology, anthropology, Great Plains studies, geography, biology, business, engineering, and political science. This minor cannot be combined with a Geography minor.

Professional Certificate in Urban Planning

As our world continues to urbanize, there is a growing need for leaders who understand the challenges that come with it. This graduate certificate program equips you with the multidisciplinary skills and tools to cultivate sustainable urban strategies that address diverse needs and resources, build capacity with local governmental leaders and stakeholders, and ensure effective service delivery.

The certificate also offers students who already have a degree in architecture, city planning or landscape architecture the opportunity to add a focus on sustainability to their work. The course of study is cross-listed with Trinity’s master’s in Public Policy and the credits can be applied to a full degree program, should students decide to pursue one at some point.

As an added benefit, the certificate will help you develop your communication skills and connect to a wider network of future leaders who are dedicated to bridging policy and large-scale urban planning with human-scale design solutions. This interdisciplinary approach is critical to solving real-life problems that impact cities and their citizens worldwide.

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Ohio State University’s Urban Planning Program: Creating Sustainable and Equitable Communities.

Urban Planning at Ohio State University

Urban planning students learn to solve complex problems with a multidisciplinary approach that respects the intersection of academic, strategic and physical considerations. The program teaches students to make cities and regions more resilient, sustainable and equitable.

The Knowlton School provides a unique community that fosters inquiry across sections and disciplines. Students can supplement their degree with a minor in fields such as African-American and African studies, Geography, and Public Policy.

Master of City and Regional Planning (MCRP)

The Master of City and Regional Planning (MCRP) is a degree that provides students with the theoretical and analytical tools necessary to design livable, sustainable, and equitable communities. It prepares graduates to work in both public and private organizations and addresses the social, political, and economic realities of urban development. The program emphasizes the need to create and implement planning solutions that are grounded in research and community engagement.

The MCRP curriculum includes both required courses and electives. It is typically completed in two years of full-time study and consists of 48 credits. In addition, the program requires all students to complete a final capstone project. This can be either a thesis or an applied planning research paper.

The program offers a wide variety of internship/traineeship positions. These opportunities provide students with hands-on experience in the field and help them develop their professional skills. In addition, many of these positions are paid and offer a tuition waiver.

Master of Urban Planning (MUP)

Accredited by the Planning Accreditation Board, the two-year MUP program addresses the critical issues that cities and regions will face in coming decades. Its curriculum embraces the international dimensions of planning and a pedagogy that supports student-driven inquiry. In addition, the MUP is one of the few programs in the country to integrate a social justice focus into its teaching and research.

This is accomplished by including a range of community service learning and international labs in the curriculum. Students have worked on real-world projects such as creating a business model for truck transportation, designing a repurposed community clinic site, researching affordable housing, and studying air quality in Beijing.

The MUP provides students with the skills and knowledge to address the challenges that cities, regions, and countries will face in the future. The degree also prepares graduates to pursue a variety of careers, such as in urban development, environmental conservation, governance, non-profits, and advocacy. In addition, the MUP can lead to a Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning (PhD-CRP).

Bachelor of City and Regional Planning (BCRP)

The curriculum for the Bachelor of City and Regional Planning offers a broad, interdisciplinary education in urban planning. Students learn the theory and evolution of the field, current debates, and analysis methods. They also explore the ways that cities, regions and built environments affect economic development.

Graduates of the program are able to address questions such as: Why do some cities grow while others decline? What are the best strategies for sustainable, equitable development? How can we make our communities more resilient to external shocks?

In addition to the core courses, students can tailor their programs of study by choosing elective credits from across the university. The degree also provides a strong foundation for students who plan to pursue a master’s degree. In this way, the degree prepares graduates for a variety of careers, including research, public service and industry. Students can also supplement their studies by completing an undergraduate minor in planning or one of the other Knowlton School degrees.

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The PhD in city and regional planning trains scholars to undertake interdisciplinary, independent, applied research on urban problems and planning processes. Our PhD program operates under the premise that the problems cities and regions face do not respect disciplinary boundaries and therefore require an understanding of concepts, theory and analysis from multiple disciplines, including planning, geography, economics, business administration and management, public policy and sociology.

Our PhD students take rigorous academic training in planning and spatial theory, quantitative and qualitative methods and research design, as well as core area specialization courses. After successfully passing a comprehensive exam, students spend two to four more years executing their own independent doctoral research.

During their studies, PhD students also participate in the CRP Colloquium to develop skills in long-format writing. The weekly meetings give students the opportunity to present their own research, listen to talks from planning professors in other departments and from cognate fields, and discuss publication strategies.

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Bringing the NBA experience to your living room.

The National Basketball Association(NBA) is more than just a sports organization. It’s an industry, a spectacle, and a congregation of talented athletes from around the globe. For many basketball enthusiasts worldwide, the NBA is especially revered; the athleticism, the skill, and the sheer passion are simply unmatched. Fortunately, for those who cannot attend the matches in person, NBA중계, or NBA broadcasting, is the perfect alternative.

NBA중계 vividly brings the basketball world to your living room. From the regular-season games, nail-biting playoffs, to the star-studded all-star weekends, NBA중계 ensures you’ll never miss a slam dunk, technical foul, or game-winning shot. Now isn’t that what you would call a courtside experience from your house’s comfort?

One might ask, what makes NBA중계 so special? Is it just about watching a basketball match on screen? Heck no! NBA중계 is so much more. It’s about the ambiance, the commentary, the insightful analysis, the highlight reels, and the player interviews. It’s about feeling every dribble, pass, block, and dunk as if you were right there on the hardwood.

As far as the quality of NBA중계 is concerned, the NBA goes above and beyond to ensure the top-notch quality of its broadcasts. Every angle is scrutinized. Every play is dissected. Every moment of celebration, expression of frustration, and signature move from your favorite player is captured in the highest resolution. You can even follow NBA중계 for an exceptional viewing experience.

In conclusion, NBA중계 is a savior for all basketball fans. It bridges the distance between the arena and fans, making one feel part of the action even though they are miles away from the actual court.


1. What is NBA중계?
– NBA중계 is the broadcast of NBA games, enabling fans to watch the match despite not being there in person.

2. How can I watch NBA중계?
– You can watch NBA중계 through various sports networks, digital platforms, and streaming services such as ThanosTV.

3. Is NBA중계 aired live?
– Yes, NBA중계 ensures that fans get a live experience of matches, just as they would in the arena.

4. Are there any additional features in NBA중계?
– NBA중계 goes beyond just showing the game. It provides expert commentary, in-game analysis, interviews, highlights, and more.

5. Can I access NBA중계 outside the USA?
– Yes, NBA중계 is available internationally, allowing fans worldwide to enjoy NBA action.

Exploring Urban Planning and Design at the University of Michigan

Urban Planning at the University of Michigan

The field of urban planning addresses the interrelationship between human and physical systems in neighborhoods, cities, metropolitan areas, or regions around the world. Students pursue a highly individualized course of study, applying concepts from a broad range of professions and academic disciplines.

Students explore topics like climate change, internet inequality and spatial justice as they gain critical skills for transforming today’s cities. Ranked a top program by Planetizen, our Master of Urban and Regional Planning prepares leaders for roles in government agencies at all levels, social impact non-profit organizations, and private businesses around the globe.

Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning

A multidisciplinary college, Taubman prepares students to understand how cities function as complex systems and to play a role in shaping them. Its innovative curriculum combines theory and practice with a unique approach to academic inquiry rooted in experimentation.

Taubman is one of the largest and most distinguished architecture and planning schools in the world, and its graduates consistently rank among the top of their professions. The college is named for real estate developer and philanthropist A. Alfred Taubman, whose gift of $30 million in May 1999 was the largest donation ever given to a school of architecture.

The Master of Urban Design is a 39-credit-hour post-professional degree open to students with professional degrees in architecture, landscape architecture and urban planning. Its curriculum reflects the wide range of principles and practices that form the field of new urbanism.

The university’s graduate student instructors (also known as lecturers) are represented by the Lecturers Employees Union, or LEO-GLAM. A supermajority of those at Taubman are currently on strike over demands that include a living wage of $38,000 per year and unarmed security for their buildings.

Master of Urban and Regional Planning

The MURP degree program provides graduate professional education in urban and regional planning. The curriculum cultivates a broad understanding of the dynamics of metropolitan development while allowing each student to tailor their study toward specific scholastic and professional objectives.

A core sequence of courses develops analytical and critical thinking skills for the field while addressing issues such as public policy, land use law, community and economic development, design culture, and the history of planning. Students also choose from a range of elective courses that allow them to extend their knowledge beyond the basic core and explore planning in specialized areas.

Students develop their skills through hands-on studio projects in topics such as civic innovation, urban design, housing and equitable development, and environmental and transportation systems. Many of these projects, completed for real clients, have won awards from national organizations. MCRP students also complete internships to see their classroom work in action. The combination of studio and practice experience prepares MURP graduates for professional careers with government agencies, consultancies, developers, and nonprofit groups.

Doctor of Urban and Regional Planning

The PhD in Urban and Regional Planning is an advanced degree that prepares individuals for teaching, research, or leadership positions in urban and regional planning. Students undertake a doctoral dissertation that is original and contributes to the study of the complex systems that constitute urban and regional planning. The curriculum integrates analytical methods, research design, a rigorous understanding of urbanization dynamics, and an examination of broader social theories, processes, and policies.

In addition to the courses offered by Taubman College, PhD students take classes in a wide range of academic disciplines, such as sociology, history, economics, architecture, political science, geography, and social work. This interdisciplinary approach is essential for the doctoral program.

Students must complete a minimum of 36 credits and pass a comprehensive exam. Normally, applicants will have a Master’s degree in Planning or a relevant field, but exceptionally well-prepared applicants with an appropriate Bachelor’s degree may be admitted to the program. Students are required to take a four-credit group capstone class and a dissertation seminar.

Agora Journal of Urban Planning and Design

Salvador Lindquist is an assistant professor with the Landscape Architecture Program and teaches in both the undergraduate and graduate programs. He received his M. Urban Design with high distinction from the University of Michigan in 2019 and has a BLA in landscape architecture from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.

Agora is an annual student-run journal that explores topics of planning practice and policy through a diverse range of perspectives and media. The award-winning publication features work by students in Taubman College’s Master of Urban and Regional Planning, Urban Design, and Architecture programs.

Taking its cue from the agora in ancient Greek cities, this project aims to bring together the different elements that form the fabric of city life and invite new ways of thinking about public space. The resulting set of tools and processes gives cities a way to identify common urban system attractors, supports them in mapping and understanding interactions within their local systems, and helps them engage in continuous learning and adaptation.

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